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Faculty by Theme

The Global Change and Sustainability Center is a faculty-led initiative to develop multi-college, interdisciplinary research and training that focus on environmental and sustainability themes.

One of the major cross-college foci linking affiliate faculty is sustainability of urban systems--the human-built environment. Here, faculty are exploring the design of sustainable communities, the effects of transit on traffic, and the consequences of fossil fuel use on air quality.

Faculty research intersects in studying global change and ecological dynamics related to factors including land use, invasive species, and atmospheric, biogeochemical and hydrological changes.

Themes related to climate and the water cycle include sustainability of urban water sources and of the connectivities and feedbacks between montane water-source regions and urban water-consumption regions.

Faculty research also provides a framework for policy advisors as they adopt solutions critical to sustaining quality of life and economic vitality in the face of future reduced water availability and competing demands on land use.

The GCSC also brings together faculty who explore both modern and geological histories of environmental change, and who use modeling to make predictions of future climates--information that is critical to informing our approaches to sustainability.

Faculty Department
Robert Adler Law
Keith Bartholomew City & Metropolitan Planning
Gabe Bowen Geology & Geophysics
Brenda Bowen Geology & Geophysics
David Bowling Biology
Simon Brewer Geography
Frank Brown Geology & Geophysics
Andrea Brunelle Geography
Steve Burian Civil & Environmental Engineering
Thure Cerling Geology & Geophysics
Marjorie Chan Geology & Geophysics
Phil Dennison Geography
Jim Ehleringer Biology
Reid Ewing City & Metropolitan Planning
Diego Fernandez Geology & Geophysics
Rick Forester Geography
Tim Garrett Atmospheric Sciences
Ken Holden Mathematics
Sarah Hinners Geography
Sebastian Hoch Atmospheric Sciences
John Horel Atmospheric Sciences
Randy Irmis Geology & Geophysics
Paul Jewell Geology & Geophysics
Bill Johnson Geology & Geophysics
Cari Johnson Geology & Geophysics
Steven Krueger Atmospheric Sciences
Tom Kursar Biology